Welcome to the latest incarnation of Plastic Dice & Metal Men! Originally created c.2000, the name is about the only thing that has really stuck. Originally designed to showcase my favorite miniatures for several games I used to play, now it is a repository for whatever gaming-related information strikes my fancy. I hope you find something here that is entertaining or informative.

So what is here? Anything I think is of value and isn't readily available elsewhere. Or, in some cases, articles that are available elsewhere that I felt needed a better treatment with a nicer layout than a forum can provide. There are a few projects here as well, some personal and long-term projects like a game world, the results of a game-related data analysis project, the aforementioned articles gleaned from other sources (always with the author's permission, of course), and photo galleries of my miniatures and the events I have had the pleasure to attend. Explore the menu on the left to see what's here and let me know if you think something else deserves a home here in the Plastic Dice & Metal Men wing of the Bard's Abode.

I am happy to announce that the website for DGS Games LLC has gone live! DGS Games is a new game company "committed to maximizing the gamer's enjoyment of our games through quality products, superb customer experience and daily interaction with our fans." While DGS has long been in the works, I was honoured to be asked to join the crew in 2009 as they closed in on the playtesting phase of their first RPG ruleset. There is still a long way to go to our initial releases, but I think you will find them well worth the wait! After a long hiatus from roleplaying, it is finally starting to appeal to me once again!

Click on the banner below to get an early look at what is in store!